Pharmacology: General principles
1. The most important factor influencing drug absorption rate following intramuscular injection is:
a. needle diameter
b. rate of administration
c. injection site blood flow
d. injection volume
2. Mechanism(s) of drug permeation
a. lipid diffusion
b. aqueous diffusion
c. use of carrier molecules
d. endocytosis and exocytosis
e. all of the above
3. Pharmacological antagonists:
a. cause receptor down regulation
b. prevent binding of other molecules to the receptor by their binding to the receptor
c. atropine (blocks ACh action on the heart
d. A & B
e. B & C
4. Dramatic decrease in systemic availability of a drug following oral administration is most likely due to:
a. extreme drug instability at stomach pH
b. hepatic "first-pass" effect
c. drug metabolized by gut flora
d. tablet does not dissolve
e. patient non-compliance
5. Drug delivery method LEAST suitable for long term (days to weeks) slow release
a. pellet implant under the skin (subcutaneous)
b. time release capsule
c. i.m. injection of a drug-oil suspension
d. transdermal patch
6. Factors that influence the rate of passive movement to molecules down the concentration gradient (Fick's Law)
a. concentration difference across the barrier
b. area across which diffusion occurs
c. drug mobility in the diffusion panel
d. thickness -- length of the diffusion pass
e. all the above
7. Definition: Therapeutic Index
a. ED50/LD50
b. potency/selectivity
c. EC50/LD50
d. TD50/ED50
e. ED50
8. Primary site for drug metabolism:
a. stomach
b. small intestine
c. kidney
d. muscle
e. liver
9. Drug mixed-function oxidase (p450) mainly localized:
a. mitochondrial fraction
b. cell membranes
c. golgi bodies
d. microsomal fraction
e. nucleolus
10. Cytochrome-P450 INDEPENDENT oxidation:
a. amine oxidase
b. epoxidation
c. N-oxidation
d. S-oxidation
e. deamination
Answers: 1. C, 2. E, 3. E, 4.B, 5. B, 6. E, 7. D, 8. E, 9. D, 10. A
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