USMLE1- Practice questions Cranial Nerves

Cranial Nerves:Which of the following cranial nerves is necessary for horizontal conjugate movements of the eyes?
a.       III
b.      IV
c.       VI
d.      Both A and B
e.       Both A and C –Occulomotor & Abducens
2.      Which of the following cranial nerves is necessary for elevation of the eyeball?
a.       III- Occulomotor
b.      IV
c.       VI
d.      V
e.       None of the above
3.      Which of the following combinations of extraocular muscle and cranial nerve of supply are involved in mediating depression or downward movements of the eyeball?
e.       superior oblique - Nerve IV-Trochlear
4.      Which of the following is NOT a function of cranial nerve III?
a.       elevation of eyes
b.      adduction of eyes
c.       constriction of pupil
d.      dilatation of pupil
5.      Which of the following ganglia is involved in mediating pupillary light reflex?
a.       ciliary ganglion
b.      celiac ganglion
c.       trigeminal ganglion
e.       none of the above
6.      Which of the following in NOT a sign/symptom of dysfunction of cranial nerve III?
e.       none of the above
7.      Which of the following cranial nerves innervate smooth muscles?
a.       IX
b.      V
c.       VII
d.      Both A and C
e.       III-occulomotor
8.      Which of the following muscles remain functional after a complete interruption of cranial nerve III?
a.       ciliary muscle
b.      lateral rectus
c.       superior oblique
d.      superior rectus
e.       Both B and C

9.      Which of the following cranial nerves has the longest intracranial course (between points of attachment to the brain stem and exit through its cranial foramen)?
a.       III
b.      V
c.       VI -abducens
d.      VII
e.       IX
10.  Which of the following is a TRUE statement?
11.  Trigeminal nerve:
12.  Which of the following cranial nerves is/are closely related to the cavernous sinus?
a.       III -occulo
b.      VI -abducent
c.       IV -trochlear
e.       all of the above
13.  The ophthalmic nerve:
14.  The maxillary division of trigeminal nerve:
15.  Damage to the motor fibers in the trigeminal nerve may cause:
d.      Both A and B
e.       Both A and C
16.  Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve conveys cutaneous sensory information from:
a.       the upper lip
b.      the lower lip
d.      Both A and C
e.       Both B and C
17.  Which of the following is NOT supplied by branches of the mandibular division of V:
c.       muscles of mastication
18.  Facial nerve:
19.  Which of the following cranial nerves is likely to be damaged during surgery on middle ear and mastoid antrum?
a.       V
b.      VI
c.       VII -facial
d.      X
e.       None of the above
20.  Which of the following is NOT supplied by the vagus, along with the cranial accessory?
c.       muscles of the larynx
21.  The recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus:
e.       A, B and C are correct
22.  The cranial division of the accessory nerve:
23.  A normal gag reflex is dependent on the intactness of the following nerves:
a.       V
b.      IX
c.       X and cranial XI
d.      Both A and B
e.       Both B and C
24.  You are testing palatal movements in a patient. When the patient is asked to say "Ah", the right side of the palate is found to be at a lower level than the left and the uvula is deviated toward the left. This patient is likely to have a lesion of the:
e.       none of the above
25.  Which of the following cranial nerves carry parasympathetic preganglionic fibers?
a.       III -occulo
b.      VII -facial
c.       IX -glossopharyngeal
d.      X -vagus
e.       all of the above

26.  Which of the following muscles is innervated by parasympathetic postganglionic fibers?
a.       ciliary muscle
b.      superior rectus
c.       sphincter pupillae
d.      dilator pupillae
e.       both A and C
27.  A complete interruption of the right cranial nerve VI will result in:
e.       all of the above
28.  Which of the following can produce ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid)?
29.  Pupillary dilation results from:
e.       all of the above
30.  Which of the following cranial nerves carry motor fibers to skeletal muscles?
a.       facial
b.      hypoglossal
c.       vagus
e.       all of the above
31.  Which of the following cranial nerves travel through the superior orbital fissure?
a.       III –occulo
b.      IV -troch
c.       ophthalmic division of V
e.       all of the above except D
32.  Ophthalmic division of V:
e.       all of the above
33.  The frontal nerve:
d.      is a sensory nerve
e.       all of the above
34.  Cutaneous distribution of the maxillary nerve includes:
a.       upper eyelid
b.      lower eyelid
c.       lower lip
d.      bridge of the nose
e.       all of the above
35.  Branches of the trigeminal nerve supply:
a.       Meninges
c.       cornea
e.       all of the above
36.  Branches of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve supply:
a.       masseter
b.      buccinator
d.      orbicularis oculi
e.       A and C
37.  The corneal reflex is a test for the integrity of:
a.       ophthalmic division of V
b.      cranial nerve III
c.       cranial nerve VII
d.      both (a) and (b)
e.       both (a) and (c)
38.  The mandibular nerve:
39.  Which of the following types of fibers is/are NOTcontained in the facial nerve?
a.       motor
40.  Parasympathetic fibers contained in the facial nerve are responsible for the innervation of:
b.      lacrimal gland
e.       all of the above except D
41.  Inflammatory reaction confined to an area around the stylomastoid foramen is one of the conditions that leads to a clinical entity referred to as "Bell's palsy". This is likely to manifest as:
e.       all of the above
42.  Loss of taste sensation at the tip of the tongue indicates an involvement of:
e.       Both B and D
43.  Glossopharyngeal nerve innervates:
c.       stylopharyngeus muscle
d.      baroreceptors in the carotid sinus                 
e.       e. all of the above
44.  Sensory innervation of the mucous membrane of the larynx is provided by:
b.      trigeminal nerve
d.      the vagus
e.       all of the above
45.  On asking a patient to protrude her tongue, you observe that the tongue deviates to the right side. This patient is likely to have:
e.       all of the above
46.  Which of the following is correct regarding the larynx?
47.  Which of the following combinations of skeletal muscle and its nerve of supply is/are NOT correct?
48.  Which of the following cranial nerves is/are responsible for initiating reflexes resulting from the stimulation of receptors in the carotid body and sinus?
a.       IX –the carotid sinus is thickening of wall of internal carotid artery, near common carotid. Baroreceptors fire when pressure in sinus is changed.
b.      V
c.       XI
d.      VII
e.       all of the above
49.  Which of the following branches of cranial nerves contains preganglionic parasympathetic fibers?
a.       chorda tympani
c.       lacrimal
d.      both a and b
e.       All of the above
50.  Which of the following cranial nerves carry taste sensation?
a.       VII -facial
b.      IX -glosso
c.       X -vagus
d.      XI -accessory
e.       all of the above except D
1. A&C,  2. E,  3. E,  4. D,  5. A,  6.A,  7.E,  8.E,  9.C,  10. D,  11.E, 12. E, 13.A, 14. E, 15.E, 16. B, 17. D, 18. E, 19. C, 20. E, 21. E, 22. C, 23. E,  24. A,  25. E,  26. E,  27. B,  28. E,  29. E,  30. E,  31.E,  32. D,  33. E,  34. B, 35.E, 36. E, 37. E, 38. E, 39. D, 40. E, 41. B, 42. E, 43. E, 44. D, 45. E, 46. B, 47. D, 48. A, 49. E, 50. E.


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